
Safety & Compliance

Safety Icon - Certificate with Checkmark

 Safety is our #1 priority. Alaska Petroleum is committed to the safety of our customers, employees and the environment. We take pride in our qualified and trained employees, maintaining safe operations, eliminating hazards, and complying with all company safety rules. Every employee is responsible for actively identifying ways to make our company a safer place to work. Safety is our primary goal. We actively engage in policies and programs to continuously improve the safety of our companies and uphold our commitment to our employees, customers and the environment.

Our Policies and Programs

Performance Tracking

  • We track and report all operations against industry safety standards.

  • Stop Work Authority

  • We have an individual and shared commitment to safe processes and guidelines.

  • Continuous Improvement

  • We develop and implement procedures that help to prevent incidents, and we review best practices.

Sustainability & Ethics

Sustainability Icon - Earth with Two Arrows

We protect our future.

  • We operate in compliance with EPA, ADEC, OSHA, DOT, and all regulatory groups to protect our people, our communities and the environment. 

  • We maintain inventories of environmental protection and response products to ensure other businesses are equipped to protect against environmental release.

Ethics & Integrity

Ethics Hotline Button

Ethics Hotline: 1.800.270.7513 | Outside of the US: 1.206.736.7020

Sustainability is rooted in ethics. We share a single Code of Ethical Business Conduct and our employees are encouraged to speak up to ensure our work environments adhere to the highest standards of integrity and safety. If you are concerned about something that may be illegal or unethical happening on the job, we encourage you to reach out to local reporting options or submit a report online by phone to the Saltchuk Ethics hotline.

With 24-hour emergency services available, Alaska Petroleum Distributing is the only name you need to know for fuel and oil sales.